Thursday 24 November 2011

Social Media

Types of Social Media I Am Connected To
Contacts and Followers
Facebook- 442 friends
Youtube-  0 followers
Skype- 3 contacts (I just got it)
MySpace- No more friends have MySpace
Time Spent Daily
Facebook- 3-5 hours a day
YouTube- 3-5 hours a day
Skype-  I have made 1 call thus far which lasted over 5 hours
MySpace- I have not used MySpace in a long time.  I used it mainly to check out small jam bands.
Content Uploaded 
Facebook- Pictures, videos, comments, ideas.
YouTube- videos
Skype- pictures, ideas, links to certain sites
MySpace- Used to check out music
Declined Social Media Venues 
Twitter- I have declined Twitter because I personally find it annoying.  I’m sure there is good use for it but I don’t find it to be a necessity in my life.  Not yet anyways.
Social Media Venue Used The Most 
The one social media venue I use the most is Facebook.  The reason I useFacebook the most is because all of my close friends are usually on and it’s a good medium to have discussions when we can’t be together.  It is also a good place to post ideas, videos, pictures, and links to anything worth checking out.
Why Social Media Plays A Prominent Role In My Life 
Social media plays a prominent role in my life because it has so many advantages towards my lifestyle.  Being that all my friends have a Facebook account, it is easy to communicate and share ideas with each other from the comfort of our homes.  YouTube plays a valuable role in my life.  Whether it be looking up tutorials for using different programs or playing certain songs or checking out songs from bands that were recommend I listen to, YouTube is great for that.  There is always a video for something.  Not to mention getting a good laugh once in a while.  That never hurts.  Social media is a good idea for sharing things that are on your mind.  Help is often provided to me when I am in need of it.  For example, if I need some clarification on a homework assignment , I can easily post a question on Facebook and one of my fellow classmates are usually able to help out within minutes.

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