Sunday 16 October 2011

Audi R8 Website

This is my version of the Audi R8 website we had to create in Photoshop.   I originally did it with a charcoal grey background and someone then told me I need to use a light coloured background.  Luckily I showed my website to others for feedback or else I would have lost marks for a silly error.

This is my first screen shot.  After browsing through other sites and knowing I needed a completely different layout from the one we did in class, I decided to go for a secondary set of options on the left side.   of the site.

This is my second screenshot.  I wrote down the options I'd add on the top of the page above the picture and having those in mind, I chose 6 other options to place on the side.  I also thought it'd be a great idea to maybe have a short video clip included on the home screen and another small picture with a little description of which will show up later on in the development of my website.

Almost done!  I imported my all my headings above the page and decided to include a search bar because it never hurts to have one.  I also did a bit of research and found out what's new with the R8 and thought to include that beside the smaller picture on the bottom left of the screen.  I then decided it would be a great idea to include a small section on the bottom of the page that would contain the Audi logo and a Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube option.

There it is!  COMPLETE....I need not say more

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