Wednesday 14 December 2011

Video Game Review

NHL 12

Developer: EA Canada
Publisher: Electronic Arts

Genre: Sports

Available On: XBOX 360 and PS3
ESRB Rating: Rated "E" for Everyone 10+

Story and Characters
 The goal is to win hockey games.  It's that simple.  There are different modes that can be played such as: Season Mode, Playoff Mode, Shootout, GM Mode, Be A Legend Mode (This allows you to play as a legend from the past such as Jeremy Roenick, Chris Chelios, and Patrick Roy), and Online Mode.  NHL 12 includes the user to play as European teams and for the first time ever, they added the user to play as AHL and CHL hockey clubs.  The characters are all based on real-life professional hockey players. 

Major Aspects

Graphics- The graphics of this game become more realistic every year.  They managed to make each player look like the real person, skate the same as they would in real life, and have the same skill level.  The fans are more realistic and involved after scoring a goal or between periods.  

Game Play-  The game play has also improved quite a bit.  It is difficult even consider different changes for a video game that comes out on a yearly basis.  EA Sports always manages to provide many changes within the game play to make it a substantially different game from the year previous.  This game allows hitting players over the boards, being able to fight with the goaltenders, and just the hitting itself has become more realistic.

Difficulty- The difficulty of this game depends on how you have your settings.  there are 4 different levels of difficulty to choose from the rank from rookie and end at superstar.  Also depending on how you would set your game speed, shooting power and accuracy, and the level of hitting all reflect on how difficult the game will be.

Audio-  The audio for this game is spot on.  Whether it's fans cheering or booing at appropriate time or the puck being shot off the post or boards, the sounds are legit and sound as they would if you were actually watching a real game of hockey.

All screenshots have been provided by:

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Character Sketch

So for this assignment, we were to find ourselves a rough sketch and using illustrator we had to turn it into something magnificent.  This was my journey:

This is the original drawing i found from Vyrhelle on DeviantArt.

I started off by tracing the helmet, face, and beard.  I chose to start off here because is was a layer that would be on top so the tracing of the body, arms, and shield would be easier to draw because I wouldn't have to follow any structure behind the head or around the body.

I then proceeded to the bandana around his neck and the armor on his chest along with the axe.  Again, i tried to work with layers that would be on the outer part of the picture to make it simpler for myself.

Just a screenshot with the background image hidden.

Next up was the body and the arms.  The hands took me some time to do.  I tried a few different methods but I was unhappy with the results.  I must have done them about 4 or 5 different times.  I'm still not all that pleased with the outcome.  Also, I started putting in some lighting and shadows as I moved along with it just to get an idea of how it would look.

Next up were the feet.  Again, some problems came up on the character's right foot but I conquered those problems and it was smooth sailing from here.  The left foot was super easy to plant in there because most of it is hidden.

I quickly moved along and did the legs.  I noticed that once you start getting in the groove of illustrator, it's actually not all that difficult and I found I learned a few quick tricks along the way.

Again, just a screenshot with the background image hidden.  Coming along nicely I'd say

Save the easiest part for last.  The shield.  Took no time at all and had this all completed well before the deadline which was a good thing because I was able to get some feedback from fellow students and friends.  Originally, my character had line strokes of only 0.5 stroke and I did not know the difference a slightly thicker line stroke can make.  Also using the width tool on the arms and neck bandana touched it up really nicely.  Thanks Joe for suggesting that for me.

And here is the final product...
I am extremely satisfied with the turn out and I really enjoyed doing this project.

Skateboard Deck

So I decided to just post some screen shots for the making of my skateboard deck.  I'll find time next semester to go out and print it and place it on the actual deck.  It seems we had some problems with print shops late this semester and at this point in the school year it is a difficult time for everyone to go out and get it completed.  So until that time comes this is what I have for you so far.  The idea for the skateboard design is to portray some sort of predator.  I was actually gonna put a picture of me with my predator looking mustache and some candy floating around me but I thought that may have been going a little too far and some people wouldn't appreciate the humor.    So I chose a bear.

Just the simple outline of the deck with a solid colour.

Added some bear claws in the mix there.  I traced over pictures of claws using the pen tool and then proceeded to add colour.

Not bad.  Starting to come together.  I actually enjoyed making the bear mouth.  It was not too difficult.  It just took some time to actually shape out what a bear mouth actually looks like.  I am satisfied with the result.

Decided to add some effects to the board to give it some life and not make it so boring so I drew out some claw marks with the pen tool and inserted them in appropriately.

And last but not least.....The eyes.  The eyes were probably the most difficult part.  Difficult in the sense that every type of eye I tried to do looked humorous as opposed to a little intimidating.  I was not too pleased with the outcome of the eyes but I had no choice so I went with these ones.


The printed out version on the deck will be coming soon!