Sunday 16 October 2011

Audi R8 Website

This is my version of the Audi R8 website we had to create in Photoshop.   I originally did it with a charcoal grey background and someone then told me I need to use a light coloured background.  Luckily I showed my website to others for feedback or else I would have lost marks for a silly error.

This is my first screen shot.  After browsing through other sites and knowing I needed a completely different layout from the one we did in class, I decided to go for a secondary set of options on the left side.   of the site.

This is my second screenshot.  I wrote down the options I'd add on the top of the page above the picture and having those in mind, I chose 6 other options to place on the side.  I also thought it'd be a great idea to maybe have a short video clip included on the home screen and another small picture with a little description of which will show up later on in the development of my website.

Almost done!  I imported my all my headings above the page and decided to include a search bar because it never hurts to have one.  I also did a bit of research and found out what's new with the R8 and thought to include that beside the smaller picture on the bottom left of the screen.  I then decided it would be a great idea to include a small section on the bottom of the page that would contain the Audi logo and a Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube option.

There it is!  COMPLETE....I need not say more

My Self Portrait

This is my self portrait.  After about 40 takes, I finally found 1 that I like.  This photo pretty much represents my lifestyle and personality.  I chose to wear these bright colours to show that I am very outgoing. On the other hand, the black and white part of the photo and the fedora covering my eyes portrays a mysterious and hard to read side of me.  I decided to do it in front of the piano mainly because I love music.  The cigarette and my good friend Jack show that I can be very social.

Monday 10 October 2011

Downtown Excursion!

Alright, so this was a really cool assignment i must say.  Going down with the amount of people we went with made it even better.  We seem to be having some debate over the group name it seems.  I personally like "The Trinity Committee" due to the fun time we spent at Trinity Bellwoods park, but others prefer "Obey DMA." So I put both up.  Our group consisted of Adam Serpe (a.k.a Signor Pablo), Colin Trombley, Martin Howitt, Mike Philips, Veronika Pavlenko, Tess Jacobs, Matthew Barr, Scott Alguire, Keertan Dave, Fabio Azevedo, Jordan Racz (a.k.a J Rac-Z or Z-man) and who claims to be the leader of the posse-Robin McConnell. 
This is what we did:

Thursday 6 October 2011

Vanila Twist

A couple of these pictures were inspired by basic google images.  The first is of an ice cream that i decided to put a little psychadelic twist on.  Another is of a flower wrapped around a stack of vanilla beans.  I decided to put a little more detail in the flower.  I put a bit of a spin to it.  Besides that, the other drawings I did  are just basic designs that came straight from my super creative mind.  I added the initials "VT" in the mix because it just feels like something that you'd probably see on a business card and possibly even a menu

These are the google images

My Poor Excuse For Painting