Sunday 14 April 2013


So for my Sound assignment, I obviously went with a Radiohead tune.  Not really much to explain here.  Just a great looking seizure of the Radiohead bear.

Here's the final .swf posted on my site.

Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday 13 April 2013

Wine Label

Alright for this assignment, I wasn't quite sure what the hell I was supposed to do so I got an image from first semester and put it in a Sound Analyzer I made and encoded and saved a .png from it.  I then proceeded to import the image to Illustrator and traced over it to make a cool little design.  I downloaded some realistic wine bottles and opened it up in Photoshop and then brought the label from Illustrator into the wine bottle file and made a neat little bottle.

I then brought it back to Illustrator and decided to make a label for the back (which you wouldn't be able to see if I put it on the actual bottle).

Here's the final production!

Monday 4 March 2013

Afraid of Spiders?

Hey arachnophobes,
Feel like conquering your spider phobias?  Well, this is no way to do but this is pretty awesome.  Last week I posted a link for a site that allows you to fool around with a drum machine.  I went back on that site and noticed this bad boy right here.

This Flash site allows you to maneuver a pretty disgustingly big spider around the screen by either it following your cursor or you clicking and dragging the ugly creature's legs.  You can also double-click or press spacebar to insert little insects on the screen.  And yes, the spider WILL eat the insects!

Monday 25 February 2013

Flash Site Drum Machine

For all you drummers out there that can't play your drums because your parents will rip your heads off (I know from experience), this site is pretty neat and addicting.  It is a Flash based site if you were wondering.

This site allows you to pretty much play the drums and create cool beats.  It has some demos and you can tweak some features around like tempo, volumes, and has some pretty cool effects.  Enjoy!

Monday 18 February 2013

Valentine's Day...Just Missed It!

Valentine's Day just passed and I came across a tutorial that would've gotten me a date that night for sure!  I'm ok with it though...I think I'd much rather have done what I did and watched hockey all night while saving myself a hefty penny.  But nonetheless, for those who are interested for next year, here's a quick tutorial on how to mask a little "I love you" animation.

Monday 11 February 2013

What I'm Learning

So we were just introduced with HYPE framework this semester.  Nothing I have ever used before and it seems pretty cool.   I've been fiddling with some of the coding from the site and for the most part it seems fun and it allows you to do some pretty neat things.

My favourite feature it has is the Sound Analyzer.  I posted a week or 2 ago some .png's from my Kill Bill assignment.  Since then, I've been tweaking the code and changing the song that Flash is reading to make some pretty cool things.  A lot of the time, the outcome looked like seizure inducing files but if you get the code just right, you'd be pleasantly surprised with pure awesomeness.

Monday 4 February 2013


Last week I mentioned Flash animations not being as good as After Effects.  I just came across this.  I still stick by my word but this is super awesome!  I wish I had the patience to do something this tedious.

It's nothing but 2 minutes of complete fun.  Probably took hours upon hours to make but the outcome is fantastic and if you have the time then it was well worth it!

Friday 1 February 2013

Here a few shots of my Flash assignment!

And a link to my site for the full seizure effect

Monday 28 January 2013

Flash Animations

Although Flash animating can be advanced, it no where near compares with other animation programs. For example, After Effects is much more advanced and in my opinion more fun to use and it does accomplish a lot more.  Here is an example of an amazing After Effects animation.

This excites me and makes me want to do something like this just for fun!  But I have no time so that will be delayed....

Monday 21 January 2013

Flash Games!

So Flash is going down the drain but there's no doubt that it provides cool and awesome things that we still do use!  For example, good old flash games!

Here's some awesomeness that still grabs my attention.  Simple, yet effective.

A lot of lazy procrastinators will often find themselves playing flash games online.  So even though Flash is dying, it isn't dead just yet!

Sunday 13 January 2013

Is Flash Dead?


In a world where technology grows quicker than China's population, we patiently wait for Adobe Flash

to crumble faster than the levees in New Orleans.

There are many reasons to ask the question "Why?"

For starters, we live in an age where cell phones are now computers, hand held video games, and

flashlights before they serve as their intended purpose of being a PHONE!  We are in 'cell phone

zombie mode' more than we like to think.  Most of the major operating systems do not support Flash.

Having Flash stick it out and serve only as a desktop feature makes no sense with how we live in this

day and age.  

Out with the old and in with the new.  HTML5 will ultimately take over Flash to end the question "Is

Flash dead?".  If HTML5 will do what Flash is doing and more, then why not watch Flash enter the

downward spiral?

Now, as a college student and having knowledge of Flash's fate, my major question is:


Don't get me wrong here...I enjoy using Flash and I think it's great but if HTML5 is the new wave then

why are they still pushing Flash down our throats?

Is there something we don't know about Flash's fate?

Why is time spent away from HTML5 if that's where we are headed?

We should expect the inevitable to happen but I guess until that day comes, we must not fully exclude it

and in fact just embrace it because Flash is fun!  

It's too bad it's dead...