Sunday 25 September 2011

Little Red Riding Hood Mind Map.

Little Red Riding Hood

This is a little twist on the classic tale of “Little Red Riding Hood.”  Nancy is a giant loser who wears the same red cape everyday.  She decides to have a picnic by herself because she has no friends.  The wolf wants to steal her food but the big bear was stealing his thunder.  The bear keeps attempting to steal her food but her grotesque looks keeps the bear at a safe distance.  Nancy  sees and fears the bear so she decides to leave.  Luckily, for Nancy, her grandparent’s house is not too far from her.  Being  schizophrenic, she tells her imaginary friend that she is going to her grandparents house and the wolf overhears it and gets a head start.  He takes a shortcut through the sectioned off hunting area.  It is hunting season by the way.  When Nancy arrives at home, good old Grandpa is preparing dinner.  Did I mention that Grandpa was a hunter?  If you have failed to put two and two together then they are eating the wolf.  Who are these sick people?  Well I should ask, who WERE these sick people?  They died.  Moral of the story is…DON’T have picnics!  They suck and people die.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

It's a Smoking Bunny

Hey y'all...this is my first assignment.  It is a poorly drawn bunny i created.  He is smoking a cigarette.  There is no reason for him to be smoking a cigarette but i thought it'd be cool to see a bunny hack butts.  I wonder if Bugs Bunny was a smoker.  I know Roger Rabbit was.  You can just tell.  Bunny is funny!